We’re A Breeder of Champion Chinese Shar pei puppies
Selectively Bred for Superior Quality and Disposition.
Chenille’s original breed “Breathless” has produced several award winning, prestigious show dogs! Our dogs in the past have been extensively shown and we have had many championship dog wins in the USA and throughout the world as well as we are AKC approved and have been breeders of shar pei for 30 years We also are one of the original members of the Chinese Shar Pei Club of America before they were excepted to be shown in the American Kennel Club and are also one of the original breeders of the breed when they were brought here to the United States. Click Here to view Awards of Merit

All of my Shar-peis are AKC Registered
All of my dogs are official and AKC registered. There are many breeders who intentionally spread misinformation about their competition. This tactic may be used to compensate for their own inadequacies, and inferior quality dogs. Don’t be fooled, check references, and speak with other owners who have purchased puppies from the same source.

I know my dogs are of the highest quality, and I will be happy to provide additional references, just ask.
Veterinarian Checked
Authentic & Original Breeders
Born & Raised In A Home
About Aileen Hoffer

Aileen Hoffer
Hi! My name is Aileen Hoffer and I have been a serious hobby breeder for over 35 years, producing two world champions, many all breed, best in show wins, including championships in the United States, and overseas. All my puppies are home-raised and house trained. I spend personalized quality time with each of my dogs to socialize them and make them better pets. I am a hands on mom!
I have spent my entire adult life devoted to this breed. I have bred World Champions, US Champions and have bred dogs that have Several Championships from 7 countries on each dog as well as Best In Show. I feed them the best food possible have excellent coats genetically, my housekeeper also helps me. I tack their eyes several times if needed, raise them in the house and on occasion update pics through a Web Designer. I care who I sell to and breed to upkeep my dogs with the best possible care. I therefore do not sell my dogs at backyard breeder discount prices. I BREED FOR THE LOVE OF THE BREED AND NOT TO MAKE A LIVING, So Please do not contact me if you want to breed or want a puppy of quality for wholesale prices. My pups start at $1500 to $2500 depending on the pup and color, Thank you.
Our Promise
We Strive to breed the healthiest puppies possible but because the older lines I kept for several generations knowing they did not carry kidney disease or various other shar pei illnesses became old I had to purchase some from other breeders in recent years to breed back to my original clean lines I cannot guarantee the upcoming puppies to be free of everything I test and try my hardest to breed for health and disposition and would never knowingly sell any dog that did not have a healthy future if you have a dog up to four years old that has any issues such as kidney please inform me for the betterment of the breed and I will replace the pup as long as I am breeding only.
I get many questions and inquiries about shar peis that have NOT been purchased from me where people have run into issues usually following veterinarians doing unnecessary procedures on their shar pei or after purchasing their dogs from OTHER BREEDERS where they were convinced into purchasing puppies at a ‘”Great deal” and because “the puppies looked so cute at a young age” or where these breeders convinced them by spreading false and malicious information about other breeders such as myself to buy from them. These people that tend to purchase from these breeders usually then run into bad situations and very expensive health issues and then come to seek help after the fact. It is an unfortunate reality in the dog breeding world that some breeders would try to make up for their own inadequacies by telling lies about competing breeders in order to sell their puppies and do not breed for the betterment of the breed.
Although I am a very experienced breeder of these dogs, I cannot answer any inquires regarding health issues from dogs purchased elsewhere due to liability issues, time and moral ethics, and I will be unable to respond. Please consult your breeder you purchased from or a qualified veterinarian experienced with Chinese Shar pei. Thank You.
I Love All Of My Dogs!
I make every effort to place each of my dogs and puppies in caring loving homes. Even though my dogs are superior in every way, I prefer seeing my dogs go to families and individuals who are seeking companion pets rather than breeding stock.
Beware of Fake Breeders who:
2. Are not AKC certified
3. Are difficult to contact or will not return calls
4. Do not have references from satisfied owners
5. Breed puppies in “puppy factories”
6. Sell supposed “quality” animals inexpensively
7. Claim to be very experienced, if you have doubts check with the AKC.